HT aims to understand customers requests all over and clearly, follows the laws and rules while providing needs in quality and at the planned time without consuming sources economically. HT intends to keep the customer satisfaction on top by bulding up and improving itself while climbing the path to be permanent and a wanted trademark.
HT plans to train it's employees to adjust changing and developing technologies, develop team spirit for positive thinking individuals and for a dynamic, flexible permanent staff.
HT plans on zero work accident by sticking to International Health and Safety Management System standarts and train employees to maintain conscious, healthy and safe working also prevent occupational diseases.
HT is aware of the national and international environmental standarts, its aim is to warn and train employees to become environment-friendly,
HT labours to maintain to all employees ''QUALİTY'' as a lifestyle.
Health And Safety Management System
HT ltd. co. is reliable to TS 18001-2007 standart in the living world of tasks and activities. HT has developed the Health and Safety Management System to provide a safer working area for employees, and to prevent loss of time and job. The safety policy aims to complete the projects in quality and on time as it is promised to our customers which helps us accopmlish HT's main philosophy; 'to keep the customer satisfaction on top' ...
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 13 November 2012 18:31 )